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연구분야 > 연구자료실 > 논문 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목
번호 제목 저널명 저자
169 Effect of Cation Influx on the Viability of Freeze-dried Lactobacillus brevis WiKim0069 Applied Sciences 최인성, 김호명, 위승곤, 천호현, 황인민, 박해웅
168 Characterization of Kimchi Flavor with Preconcentration by Head Space Solid-Phase Microextraction an Analytical Letters 황예슬, 이해원, 장지윤, 서혜영
167 Mixture of Two Lactobacillus plantarum Strains Modulates the Gut Microbiota Structure and Regulatory Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 이지은, 장자영, 권민성, 임슬기, 김남희, 이지현, 박효경, 윤미선, 신미영, 조희은, 오영준, 류병희, 고미연, 주우하, 최학종
166 Salicibibacter kimchii gen. nov., sp. nov., a moderately halophilic and alkalitolerant bacterium in Journal of Microbiology 장자영, 오영준, 임슬기, 박효경, 이창수, 김준용, 이미애, 최학종
165 Determination of composition quality and volatile flavor characteristics of radish-based kimchi suit Food Science and Biotechnology 이미애. 김미나, 이광근
164 Discrimination of Chili Powder Origin Using Inductively Coupled Plasma?Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), I Analytical Letters 황인민, 문은우, 이해원, Nargis Jamila, 김경수, 하지형, 김성현
163 Effect of oxygen supply on surfactin production and sporulation in submerged culture of Bacillus sub Applied Sciences 하상현, 김호명, 천호현, 황인민, 이종희, 김진철, 김인선, 박해웅
162 Lactobacillus sakei WIKIM30 ameliorates atopic Dermatitis-like skin lesions by inducing regulatory T Frontiers in Immunology 권민성, 임슬기, 장자영, 이지은, 박효경, 김남희, 윤미선, 신미영, 조희은, 오영준, 노성운, 최학종
161 Changes in quality properties of kimchi based on the nitrogen content of fermented anchovy sauce, My Food Science and Biotechnology 최윤정, 이해원, 양지희, 홍성욱, 박성희, 이미애
160 Regression analysis for predicting the fermentation state of packaged Kimchi using a colorimetric in Journal of Food Engineering 하지형, 김수지, 이재용, 윤소라, 이해원
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