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연구분야 > 연구자료실 > 논문 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목
번호 제목 저널명 저자
119 Effects of 27.12 MHz Radio Frequency on the Rapid and Uniform Tempering of Cylindrical Frozen Pork L Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 최은지,천호현,박해웅,양희선,김진세
118 Analysis of volatile compounds as quality indicators for Fuji apples after cold storage Journal of Food Biochemistry 이장호,장혜원,하재호,정문철,유승란
117 Preparation and properties of sodium bicarbonate?incorporated LDPE films with deodorizing function f Packaging Technology and Science 정수연,유승란,
116 Complete genome sequence of a commensal bacterium, Hafnia alvei CBA7124, isolated from human feces Gut Pathogens 송혜선,남영도,노성운,김준용,김연비,정명선,강지수,이진규,권요셉,김주석,최종순,최학종
115 Complete genome sequence of Leuconostoc suionicum DSM 20241T provides insights into its functional a Standards in Genomic Sciences 천병희,이세희,전체옥,전혜희,김동운
114 Effects of combined treatment with ultraviolet-C irradiation and grape seed extract followed by supe LWT-Food Science and Technology 최은지,천호현,박해웅,양희선
113 Application of Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization H/D-exchange Mass Spectrometry for Speciation of Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry Thamina Acter,김성환,김동휘,Arif Ahmed,하지형
112 Use of Laser-Etched Pouches to Control the Volume Expansion of Kimchi Packages During Distribution: Journal of Food Science 이현규, 유승란
111 한국 거주 중국인을 대상으로 한 한국 김치에 대한 정성적 기호도 조사 동아시아식생활학회 이미애, 최윤정, 김미나경민
110 Complete genome sequence of Clostridium perfringens CBA7123 isolated from a faecal sample from Korea Gut Pathogens 김연비, 남영도, 노성운, 김준용, 송혜선, 이창수, 권요셉, 강지수, 이진규
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