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연구분야 > 연구자료실 > 논문 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목
번호 제목 저널명 저자
109 Allium hookeri root extract exerts anti-inflammatory effects by nuclear factor-κB down-regulation in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 장자영, 이민정, 유보람, 진종식, 이성현, 윤예랑, 김현주
108 Large-scale Targeted Metagenomics Analysis of Microbial Ecological Changes during Fermentation for 8 Food Microbiology 이모은,장지윤,송정희,정민영,이세희
107 Optimization of Herbicidin A Production in Submerged Culture of Streptomyces scopuliridis M40 Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 하상현,박해웅,이건진,이상일,곽현정,이종희,김태운,최학종,장자영,최정섭,김창진,김진철,김형환
106 Complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus curvatus strain WiKim38 isolated from kimchi Genome Announcements 이세희,장지윤,정민영,송정희,이모은
105 과냉각 온도가 급속냉동-해동 처리된 돈육 등심의 저장성에 미치는 영향 한국식품저장유통학회지 최은지,천호현,박해웅,정영배,김진세,박석호
104 Aquimarina seongsanensis sp. nov., isolated from sea water Antonie van Leeuwenhoek international journal of general and molecular microbiology 오유진,최봉근,김준용,노성운,이성재
103 Diversity of Extremely Halophilic Archaeal and Bacterial Communities from Commercial Salts Frontiers in Microbiology Ashagrie Gibtan,이한승,박경희,우민영,신정구,이동우,손재학,송민정,노성운,이상재
102 마늘 첨가량에 따른 김치의 발효 중 품질 특성 변화 한국식품영양과학회지 최윤정,이미애,황예슬,홍성욱
101 Complete Genome Sequence of Pediococcus pentosaceus Strain wikim 20, Isolated from Korean Kimchi American Society for Microbiology, Genome Announcements 이세희,이종희,정민영,박보연,손성오,박해웅,최학종
100 Effects of Leuconostoc mesenteroides starter cultures on microbial communities and metabolites durin International Journal of Food Microbiology 정지영,전체옥,이세희,이효정,서혜영,박완수
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