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연구분야 > 연구자료실 > 논문 목록 - 번호, 분류, 제목
번호 제목 저널명 저자
69 Relationship between chemical characteristics and bacterial community of a Korean 1 salted-fermented LWT-Food Science and Technology 이해원,이미애,최윤정,황인민,홍성욱
68 Microbial Community Structure of Korean Cabbage Kimchi and Ingredients with Denaturing Gradient Gel Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 홍성욱,이미애,최윤정,이해원,양지희
67 Lactobacillus curvatus WiKim38 originated from kimchi induces IL-10 production in dendritic cells an Journal of Microbiology 조성강,노의정,장지윤,박종환,이준영,김그린,최주희,이모은,송정희
66 동결건조한 원부재료를 이용하여 제조한 나박김치의 저장 중 품질 특성 한국식품저장유통학회 천선화,서혜영,강미란
65 Comparison of the murine norovirus-1 inactivation in cabbage Kimchi with two different salinities du Food Research International 강수진,하상도,김수지,김성현,이지현,박신영
64 E?ectiveness of Periodic Treatment of Quercetin against In?uenza A Virus H1N1 through Modulation of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Bipin Vaidy,조세영,오경서,김두운,권요셉,김송학,김영오,정은혜,Thoa Thi Nguyen,김성현,김인선
63 Lentibacillus kimchii sp. nov., an extremely halophilic bacterium isolated from kimchi, a Korean fer Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 오영준,이해원,최학종,임슬기,권민성,이지은, 장자영,이종희,박해웅,남영도,서명지,노성운
62 Biocontrol potential of Myrothcium roridum Tode ex Fr. (Hypocreales: Incertae sedis) against root-kn Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 박해웅,김형환,김동환,조명래,김진철,신택수,이상일,윤정범
61 과학 실험 활동을 적용한 김치 체험 콘텐츠가 아동의 섭취 태도에 미치는 영향 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 최은옥,권용민
60 한우육의 냉동 해동 조건에 따른 품질 변화 한국식품영양과학회지 천호현,최은지,한애리,정영배,김진세,박석호
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